Sunday, December 28, 2008

Don't Ruin My "Spirit" (The Worst Blog Title Ever)

I'd like to say that I will be heading to bed after I type this blog, while simultaneously listening to the Around Comics podcast, but saying that has the hint of "untruthfulness".

Saying I don't want to go to work tomorrow is redundant and on the verge of becoming a bad running joke, but tomorrow is *special*. The company I am employed by (who I can't name, but let's just say their name rhymes with "Free Toe Lia") starts their new fiscal year officially tomorrow and we will begin our annual ritual of selling a shitload of product within the first month to put us in the black immediately; making our sell numbers a little less stressful over the course of the year. That is, if you don't count the shit we have to go through the next month (did I mention starting tomorrow?).

I did promise that I'd take my dad out to see The Spirit tomorrow, but I'd be lying if I said I'm looking forward to that as much as I may have say, oh, a week ago. Nothing to do with spending time with the old man (I LIKE to do that), but looking at a few reviews and especially reading Peter David's blog about it have kinda soured my mood towards it. It looks great, but I am being reminded of why this will probably suck: Frank Miller.

I am not a Frank Miller fan. And if you told me that he has completely fucked off a bunch of rich guys in Hollywood's money, I would believe that sooner than you telling me that he made a great movie.....

...or even a GOOD movie....

....but the truth is: if this movie fails (which, as of here on Sunday night, simply glancing at such things on the enter-nets, it has), this will be a major blow to the aforementioned rich guys trusting anybody from the comic book industry having complete creative control in comic book movies.

And that will suck for everybody. And that's the LAST thing I would want to happen....

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