Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Beginning?

Sooooooooo.....where do I begin?

I have to start this new blog from the old blog (which I'm not going to link to since I'm probably going to delete it after this) because I got a new phone.  The great thing was that phone was the Droid X, which I have now decided is so awesome that it now completes me in a way that I had no idea I was lacking until it was in my medium sized man hands & downloading the Twitter app.  The worst thing in the fucking world not so good news was Google was going to make me open up a gmail email account just to use this Joy From God.

Now, I'm not one of those people who's big on having all these different things floating around the web full of my info & password;  I try to keep them all in the column of "things I actually use".  Should I decide that I no longer will be using certain account for whatever reason, I make it a point to delete said account.  Simple as that.  So if I'm going to be forced open up a email account that is going to be the one I use on the item that I will be taking with me to bed every night my new phone, then I might as well make sure that's the one I'm going to using in my-oh-so-eventful lifestyle. (Yeah, I know I'm jumping the shark with that, but sue me; I love to do it) #wordtoyaMutha

Well, it turns out that Google is really picky about letting multiple accounts out there for the same individuals (hey, kinda like me!) and long story short, they won't let me use my new email address (which is their email) for my old blog w/ Blogger ( which is their domain).  So I have to start a whole new blog here....which I guess is fine;  I never really took the old one off like I really had intented to, honestly, there's really not much there that I had actually written; and with the new comic related podcast that I intend to start soon with this guy that I think is really cool, maybe starting over is a pretty good idea, clean slate wise.

As a side note: I do like the new title that I've decided (on a whim) to go with here; having a bit of unique meaning to me.  The 1st blog that I had a few years ago on MySpace (which is all now deleted, natch;  I jumped off the Titantic waaaaaaaay before the rest of ya'll did) was pretty heavly used; some great, some not-so-great; but one of my personal favs, and proof to myself that I do have the ability to write something great whenever I sit down, focus, and stop being afraid, was a blog I wrote about an experience I had out in San Diego from Comic-Con '07 & the thoughts that came along with it.  "Table For One" is pretty much a summery of how I've seen life for most of my adult years, for the good & the bad of it.  Hoepefully I bring that to the blog in creative & entertaining ways  that will be much less sadder than it sounds  that will at the very least make me want to read back what was written.  We shall see....

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