Monday, March 30, 2009

What Time Is It?

I have a clock in my room.

Also in my phone. There's one on the pager I have from work. There's one on the dash in my car. I have a great looking watch that I get lots of compliments for whenever I wear it (which is often). There's a clock on the stove and on the microwave.

When I used to have a VCR, I always had to have it set to the correct time. If it was blinking 12:00, it would drive me up a wall. Now that all TV's have internal clocks, I always make sure that they are set, even though it's pretty much a useless application.

Hell, I'm looking at the one in the little right hand corner here on the computer while sit here and type this.

Whenever I go over to a person's place that I've never been before, do you know the first thing I look for? Wherever the first available clock is displayed.

The surprising thing is the thing I've noticed the most out there when it comes to other people and their environments is that they usually don't have a clock with the correct time readily set. It seems like when it comes to this obsession with always knowing what time it, I'm very much in minority. And the thought of that disturbs me to no end.

Why do people not care what time it is? Don't they have things they have to do at certain times? Don't they have schedules; appointments; people and places they need to be at very specific time periods? Well, don't they?

I have the alarm set for work everyday, but the truth is, even without it, I could usually depend on my body to get itself up (not very willingly, mind you) at the appropriate time. Nine time outta ten, if I know what time it is, and I don't look at it for a certain amount of time, I can correctly guess exactly on the dot how much time has passed without looking at a clock; of course, then I make sure to look just to make sure how right I am.

...and after all this, I choose to ask; not what's wrong with ME; but what's wrong with EVERYBODY ELSE?!?

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