Tuesday, January 20, 2009

My Response (For The Life Of Me, I Can't Figure Out How To Embed Videos...)


I love ya, Keith.

I really do.

And I totally agree with everything you've said. Honestly....you've given me a lot to think about.

But it's NOT going to happen. With everything on the table, one of the most important ingredients we will need to accomplish these problems is going to be an unprecedented level of bi-partisanship from not only our politions, but from the people of this country.

Almost NOTHING ELSE could send such a huge divide in our collective conscious than an agenda-set case brought against an entire previous administration (because if one person was guilty of not doing the right thing, then ALL of them were guilty of not doing the right thing).

One thing you can thank our outgoing Leader with is creating, like abortion, an hot-button issue that was not previously there before that will now be debated and argued and taken apart from every single angle from every ideology around. And it's nothing but sad....because in all our history, in light of all the bad things we as a country were responsibly for causing, what IS and IS NOT torture was never up for debate. We knew it was wrong, even when we committed it. We could justify it forever and forever, but we would never question whether or not it was, in fact, cruel and unusual punishment.

For the record, I don't believe it "works" and I don't believe it could ever be justified. The 24 scenario is all great for movies and forms of entertainment ( the one where we have a terrorist who has information that can prevent a nuclear bomb from going off and the ONLY way we can interrogate it outta him is to do horrible, horrible things to this guy), but I can't for the life of me believe that ever happens as often as people seem to think it does.

I love this country; I love my family; I love our way of life. Call me narcissistic, but I truly believe that if I was in that position with our enemies, they wouldn't get shit from me, no matter what they did. Maybe unbelievable, but true. And along with that, I know I ain't no way as tough as the men and women who signed up to fight and defend our lives, so by extension, I don't believe any of them would give into torture in keeping any valuable Intel to the enemy. Word to John McCain.

So....switch that the very enemy we're presently talking about: they don't have an allegiance to a particular country. They don't even really have allegiance to a particular leader. They answer to God and we are the Devil. We can give them death or not, but their constitution is probably a bit stronger than whatever sick things the common person (never mind military officers) has in their hearts to do these fucking assholes, were we ever given the opportunity.

We are just committing cruel and unusual torture.

It's not an argument. It's not a debate.

It's just sad.

....but, Keith, it's not going to be prosecuted. Ever. It'll just be one more black mark in our history that we will unsuccessfully try to justify to future generations, saying they just can't understand....

P.S. I'm only blogging today because she blogged today. But I didn't respond.

Even though it's all I wanted to do.

P.P.S. Oh, and can I say: I breathe a sigh of relief and I can't not be prouder of the events of Barrack Obama's inauguration. I look forward to tomorrow and the days to come after that....

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