Thursday, July 31, 2014

The Biggest Problem In Society As We Speak

When cell phones began to a part of the middle class lexicon at the turn of the century, there was a movement to regulate their use while operating mechanical objects (*CARS*) & I was not very supportive of it.  I felt that although there was some people who could not display levelheaded driving by consciously putting away their phones, I didn't think that we all needed to suffer for it.  Although I knew that my driving skills suffered while having a cell phone in use, I also didn't want anybody else making that decision for me when I knew that there were times when I could safely use it.  I was a Libertarian in that sense before I fully realized what that label meant.

But we're all past that now.

I propose a fucking Constitutional Amendment to ban all electronic devices in motor vehicles while in use for the operators.  I have lived a half life & I have seen for a fact that we just can't have nice things or be trusted with them.  This problem has extended to all genders, ages, races, cultures & creeds;  the "problem" being that we all completely lack the self-discipline to make rational decisions in our driving.  It has to stop;  I've seen too many accidents or near accidents with absolutely no self-awareness or shame from the perpetrator.   In a fish bowl of society, I've seen if it's a choice in the life of others (or our own) or the ability to instantly communicate with others, we will take communication without hesitation.

And, as I've said, this isn't all about the teenagers.  It's one thing to accept acts of irresponsibility in those who still are learning it;  it's another to see it as gospel from those who do know better.  That's why it has to be a Constitutional Amendment;  there can't be an locally created loopholes in this shit.  Hell, we as a country promised to ban all alcohol at one point;  why not this? (Although the story on how that came to be is way more interesting that you might think)

In my employment, I've had endure to the regulations of DOT; one of their most recent hard line rules has been exactly what I'm proposing here.  Now, under other DOT regulations, I've had specialty training that, simply put, makes me a hella lot better driver than you.  Or could ever be.  And yet, the Govt. doesn't trust ME, with my training, to use a cell phone or a electronic devise while driving a vehicle (& obviously, I believe they're in the right on this).  Meanwhile, fucking car manufactures are putting Google in regular drivers dashboards.  There's a large disconnect going on here & the death tolls are rising every year.

And it needs stop.  And it needs to start today.

Thank you.

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