Sunday, October 20, 2013

No, We Can't Retire Friendzone

1st off:  I love Joss Whedon.  And always will.

2nd:  when anyone says this (& I'm seeing a lot of it out there), it's a classic example of someone being offended by something that isn't directed at themselves and simply playing to a base sentiment out there that really has nothing to do with them.  There are exceptions out there to this "rule", but for the most part, people should have their offenses stuck in an actual offense upon themselves IMHO.

3rd:  the term "friendzone" does not mean what Joss (& other puppets out there) are saying it means right here.  The term refers to the disappointment one feels when someone they feel romantically towards does not share that feeling towards them; that person, instead of moving on, settles for a different classification in their desired's life, in a place where they are less likely to have their amorous desires reverberated.  Yes, sex falls in that designation, but if you believe that's all there is to be desired, you should really look upon what you think composes a full and healthy adult relationship.

This term is not confined to a strictly male use.  To say females do not go through similar involvements & experience the same such POVs is perhaps the most single biggest expression of misogyny I have, at least (I've getting a kind of last start here on this fine beautiful afternoon).  It's not even restricted to heterosexual relationships;  in fact, the only limit I would put on it is that yes, animals truly desire to keep their human encounters to a *strictly* platonic basis.  It's probably never the other least on the animal's part.

People need to accept the fact that not everybody that their friends with on the opposite side of the sex wishes their relationship to be a simple non-romantic one.  This is not news.  I'd say everyone in the course of normal life has been on at least one side of this exchange with someone at some point;  if they were lucky enough, they've been on both sides.  I'd make a guess at where all this negativity is coming from all of the sudden, but then I'd be spewing the 2nd biggest expression of misogyny I'd have encountered today, so I won't.

There are good & important fights to fight out there.  Stop muddling those up by focusing on trying to hold back normal human experiences & people's need to express them under the guise of discrimination when it's not.  Please, you're all way smarter than this.

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