Friday, May 17, 2013

So I Just Watched The Office Finale... once a upon a time, I actually had some *real* feelings for somebody & I'm pretty sure they felt pretty highly of me, too.  Lord knows that the chemistry that we had was, shall we say, unique & not the kind you find with just ole' anybody off the street.

It was the kinda the thing that can keep a person, who gets knocked down at almost at every turn in life, believing that yeah, there could be a point to all this.  Maybe there could a day...a way...maybe there could be a happy ending.

There were tentative plans to go somewhere...else.  Somewhere called Austin.  Because Austin was/is/will always be awesome.  It's the kind of place that gives you that breath of air you need; the place that closes you off to the bad madness & helps you embrace the good madness; it's a place that you could never imagining getting old.

Those dreams didn't happen.  Like most things, the truth got in the way of the fantasy.  It's been a while so all those things aren't as important as they once seemed to be.

Pam wasn't real, but she helped me see what it is that I would want.  What I will never settle for less than.  It has been quite a aid in avoiding things that I knew just wouldn't be worth the trouble when I was at my most human and imperfectness.

Nothing makes me happier than to see Jim & Pam find their ever after.  In Austin.

Even though they weren't real.

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